
The Kick-Ass Bot

Tour of Duty <<- ->> Day of Defeat

  "He sees the shadow first: ten meters of sharp angles, thorns, blades...
 legs like steel pipes with a rosette ofscimitar blades at the knees and ankles. Then, through the pulse of hot light and black shadow, Hoyt sees the eyes.
A hundred facets, a thousand...glowing red, a laser shone through
twin rupies, above the collar of steel thorns and the quick silver chest
reflecting flame and shadow..."                                            (The Shrike)
  What is it ??
ShrikeBot is a Computer simulated persona for on/off line gaming.
 This bot is created for the "Tour of Duty" and "Day of Defeat" mod. That runs on the Half-Life engine. You can use this bot to load up to 31 bots to play against the toughest and roughest fighting machines in World War 2 and the Vietnam war. Be warned not to get your ass kicked by these bots.
ShrikeBot Team
  Hello :)
Author: Cpl. Shrike
Team: 2nd Lt. Cervezas
Team: Sgt. Slaughter
Team: ITX
Team: Narcussist
Team: First Female Fan
Team: Pvt. J0k3r
Waypoint Team
Wpt: Goyims
Wpt: Narcussist
Wpt: 2nd Lt. Cervezas
Wpt: Sgt. Slaughter
Wpt: Cpl. Shrike
Thanks to
Botman, Thanks for the HPB source code.
Sluggo, Thanks for help on the Spawn code.
J0k3r, Thanks for testing, shrikebot.Map and support. (and talking me into it)
Cervezas, Thanks for testing, waypointing and support.
The Team :-)

did I mention botman already...??
Thanks Botman....
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